
Magic Bullet

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He sat down, the leather creaked softly as he leaned back his eyes scanned the room then settled on the door knob. Nothing  His eyes shifted to the lie on this finger one that had not only saved himself but his friends the lie being a ring a wedding ring. If not for some quick thinking on his part as well as his friends they would have been killed by the chi town police or worse discover as saboteurs. Still that was a few days ago there mission a success if you call starting yet another war between the federation of magic & the Coalition states.  Both times it had been for the greater good both times it had been in the line of duty and both times he I had worn a ring…..

How I started the war ...the first time around.

April 10th 2399 (13P.A.)

At that time Maxwell was  know by his true name Elam "Heronas" Thompson. Elam had only been out of his cyro chamber for a few years he and his fellow team had went into deep freeze due to lack of supplies the truth was that the leaders feared that the mad computer would out smart them at last leaving no one left to tell there tale, after all what better time capsule to send to your decadence explaining who and what you where about then yourself.  But after a wile they managed to meet up with what was left of Nema and see what little remind of the world they new. In that time Elam met  fell in love & courted Sara .Sara  full of life full of grace. The movement had over time regained in a way control no more like “influence” with in all the major forces ( that where human) still left on the north American continent. A impressive feet even before the apocalypses! There next work of contact & well places men / woman gave the movement the eye and ears they needed to know what this changing world was about and where it was heading.
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